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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

So, I suppose it is a sign that my goals were really things that I was interested in pursuing, since even though I have not really been paying attention to my list, I have accomplished some of my goals!

On to the list...

We're working on the exercise thing. The WiiFit is certainly helping, but so far I think we have been more successful in changing our eating habits. The fact that kosher meat now costs about three times as much as tofu has also helped change our habits about meat. I am not succeeding very well in the whole vitamins thing, or the Fish Oil thing (since my dad strongly suggested that) so I have to figure out how to make that one work. Maybe bringing the vitamins to work or something would help. I have no idea. The problem is that I take my allergy meds before bed, but I think vitamins often get in the way of those, which would be a problem...I did however get my eyes tested and got new glasses and a different brand of contacts. My eyes stayed the same, so that was good. First time I think that has ever happened! Especially since it has been nearly three years since I got them checked!

The economy and the stock market have sort of screwed this one up a little bit. I have no idea what to invest in, but we are slowly building up money for the years we'll be in New York. I need to work harder on that one, but I don't know where to start or when I'd have time to work on it.

My desk is definitely a lot better than it was when I got here, but is still kind of clutter-full. The website project is going, slowly. We'll see what happens with it. I have been leaving early on Shabbat for a while, and will continue to do so until the first weekend in March, when the times change. My boss and coworkers have been amazing about this! We decided agains using Quark, so that goal is out.

We are visiting the schools at the end of March. We just need to actually book flights and figure out where we are going to be for the various parts of the days we are there.

We have been getting good about cleaning before bed. It just makes the world better to not come back to a severely cluttered house. We put up one more picture, one that I got him from a friend of mine for Hanukah, but that's about it. I talked to Raif about making a chores schedule, but he hasn't done it yet...maybe I will bug him about that tonight.

I started making an every-two-weeks menu for shopping and cooking purposes, and it has been a great success in getting us to try new meals, especially recipes for tofu. We also have gotten recipes from other people that are amazing, so it's been good all around. Plus, everyone is super impressed that we do it every two weeks. But it just makes so much sense, especially if you sit down and plan it all out with all the activities. And, then it means that we have quick meals or leftovers on the busy nights, and better, harder meals on the not-busy nights. Whereas before it was often about what we remembered to take out, and it never worked right. Making the recipe book sounds like a great idea, but we haven't gotten around to it. We have a good basis worked out now though for things that we like, so that's a start.

I sent our parents a photo album from our wedding for Hanukah. I just need to get a copy for us (and my mom wants ones sent to our cousins too). I also have goten into digital scrapbooking, so that makes things more exciting as well, since there are lots of things that I am interested in scrapbooking as well. A TON of things, especially from our first year of marriage. I also got my own camera for Hanukah, so that will make things easier as well. As for the Sims, I am hoping to update the blog about that too today. I haven't done a lot of playing, because of a minor snafu. I built a gorgeous, huge house for my family, and when I moved them in, I found it totally unplayable. I am still learning about building houses, but it took me a long time to get back up to building a house after that. I finally did last night and played a bit, since I had an idea for how to fix the house. I think it worked well, and I am glad to have that taken care of. Of course, the problem is going to be actually writing up the legacy. Oy. I asked for a cake decorating class for Hanukah, but didn't get it. Maybe for my birthday?

I have signed up to read Megillah again this year in the morning, and then maybe I will be reading it in the evening as well, depending on what happens with that. Still up in the air. I am committed to reading most (if not all) of my bat mitzvah parasha in May, so that takes care of that one...We have, however, sucked at being at services. Sickness, being out of town, and needing the down time have been culprits, but I am hoping we can figure this one out soon.

I have been reading the NY times funnies and cake wrecks a lot. And I finished the Anne of Green Gables series! Rilla of Ingleside was amazing...probably my second favorite after Anne of the Island. I think the things that were sad for me was not hearing enough about Dora & Davy and the fate of Green Gables. Hopefully Davy took it over and was a great farmer his whole life.

We went to Denver!! It was great!! Other than that? We are thinking about going on a honeymoon right after Mel & Dustin's wedding in Denver. Not that the honeymoon would be there, but that's where we would start out. We just need to know where to go! That has been the major problem!

We had an extremely fun Tu B'shevat seder a few days ago, which definitely strengthened our relationships with some people, and now...we are going to be hosting seders for Passover! So we will definitely be having a lot of people over!!

Just Because
I really want a mani/pedi sometime soon. I just cut my toe on the shower, so maybe not right now, but soon. And I need to look into citizenship. I just need to have time!

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