
Sunday, December 27, 2009

1. Scrapbooking
A. Finish the Disneymoon Book
B. Scrapbook the rest of the pictures I have, except the wedding stuff

2. Picture Albums
A. Make us an album from our wedding
B. Make an album of Florida trips for my parents and us

3. Sims 3
A. Install World Adventures, Patch & update
B. Continue my Sims 3 legacy
C. Continue publishing the legacy, try for two-three times a week

4. Writing
A. Finish my NaNo novel (even if I hate it)
B. Continue working on my fanfics (two Harry Potter and one Star Trek 2009)
C. See if I can figure out what to do with those ideas I doodled down - work on them

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Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Added a few things to our list, some big ones.

Raif and I went to New York about a week ago. It was a great visit and I think it helped push us in that direction for graduate schools for both of us. I crossed off Columbia even though we didn't visit it. We won't be able to visit again until the fall, and NYU is definitely still my first choice!

We also are finally planning a honeymoon, in a real way. We booked for Disney for our second anniversary, which should be great but require a lot of planning. And here in a week we will be having Seders at our house, which will mean crossing off another goal on the list.

There might have been more but I can't think of it right now!

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Back on the Wagon  

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

So, I suppose it is a sign that my goals were really things that I was interested in pursuing, since even though I have not really been paying attention to my list, I have accomplished some of my goals!

On to the list...

We're working on the exercise thing. The WiiFit is certainly helping, but so far I think we have been more successful in changing our eating habits. The fact that kosher meat now costs about three times as much as tofu has also helped change our habits about meat. I am not succeeding very well in the whole vitamins thing, or the Fish Oil thing (since my dad strongly suggested that) so I have to figure out how to make that one work. Maybe bringing the vitamins to work or something would help. I have no idea. The problem is that I take my allergy meds before bed, but I think vitamins often get in the way of those, which would be a problem...I did however get my eyes tested and got new glasses and a different brand of contacts. My eyes stayed the same, so that was good. First time I think that has ever happened! Especially since it has been nearly three years since I got them checked!

The economy and the stock market have sort of screwed this one up a little bit. I have no idea what to invest in, but we are slowly building up money for the years we'll be in New York. I need to work harder on that one, but I don't know where to start or when I'd have time to work on it.

My desk is definitely a lot better than it was when I got here, but is still kind of clutter-full. The website project is going, slowly. We'll see what happens with it. I have been leaving early on Shabbat for a while, and will continue to do so until the first weekend in March, when the times change. My boss and coworkers have been amazing about this! We decided agains using Quark, so that goal is out.

We are visiting the schools at the end of March. We just need to actually book flights and figure out where we are going to be for the various parts of the days we are there.

We have been getting good about cleaning before bed. It just makes the world better to not come back to a severely cluttered house. We put up one more picture, one that I got him from a friend of mine for Hanukah, but that's about it. I talked to Raif about making a chores schedule, but he hasn't done it yet...maybe I will bug him about that tonight.

I started making an every-two-weeks menu for shopping and cooking purposes, and it has been a great success in getting us to try new meals, especially recipes for tofu. We also have gotten recipes from other people that are amazing, so it's been good all around. Plus, everyone is super impressed that we do it every two weeks. But it just makes so much sense, especially if you sit down and plan it all out with all the activities. And, then it means that we have quick meals or leftovers on the busy nights, and better, harder meals on the not-busy nights. Whereas before it was often about what we remembered to take out, and it never worked right. Making the recipe book sounds like a great idea, but we haven't gotten around to it. We have a good basis worked out now though for things that we like, so that's a start.

I sent our parents a photo album from our wedding for Hanukah. I just need to get a copy for us (and my mom wants ones sent to our cousins too). I also have goten into digital scrapbooking, so that makes things more exciting as well, since there are lots of things that I am interested in scrapbooking as well. A TON of things, especially from our first year of marriage. I also got my own camera for Hanukah, so that will make things easier as well. As for the Sims, I am hoping to update the blog about that too today. I haven't done a lot of playing, because of a minor snafu. I built a gorgeous, huge house for my family, and when I moved them in, I found it totally unplayable. I am still learning about building houses, but it took me a long time to get back up to building a house after that. I finally did last night and played a bit, since I had an idea for how to fix the house. I think it worked well, and I am glad to have that taken care of. Of course, the problem is going to be actually writing up the legacy. Oy. I asked for a cake decorating class for Hanukah, but didn't get it. Maybe for my birthday?

I have signed up to read Megillah again this year in the morning, and then maybe I will be reading it in the evening as well, depending on what happens with that. Still up in the air. I am committed to reading most (if not all) of my bat mitzvah parasha in May, so that takes care of that one...We have, however, sucked at being at services. Sickness, being out of town, and needing the down time have been culprits, but I am hoping we can figure this one out soon.

I have been reading the NY times funnies and cake wrecks a lot. And I finished the Anne of Green Gables series! Rilla of Ingleside was amazing...probably my second favorite after Anne of the Island. I think the things that were sad for me was not hearing enough about Dora & Davy and the fate of Green Gables. Hopefully Davy took it over and was a great farmer his whole life.

We went to Denver!! It was great!! Other than that? We are thinking about going on a honeymoon right after Mel & Dustin's wedding in Denver. Not that the honeymoon would be there, but that's where we would start out. We just need to know where to go! That has been the major problem!

We had an extremely fun Tu B'shevat seder a few days ago, which definitely strengthened our relationships with some people, and now...we are going to be hosting seders for Passover! So we will definitely be having a lot of people over!!

Just Because
I really want a mani/pedi sometime soon. I just cut my toe on the shower, so maybe not right now, but soon. And I need to look into citizenship. I just need to have time!

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And another month later...  

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Been taking more vitamins, but I am definitely not close to every day. I am working on it though, so that is what counts. I am aiming to make an eye appointment sometime in November.

We joined Costco, and that seems to be saving us money. We also started getting our Sunday paper, but so far I'm not sure how much it is saving us. We have a lot of things that we have to buy a certain brand because of being kosher, and so sometimes that prevents us from saving. Kosher meat is also incredibly expensive, so I'm not sure that there is anything to be done about that.

I am working on the website diligently, so that has been making progress. Not today, but this week at least! Other than that, the clutter thing is a systemic thing so that has been hard to work on without working on other areas first.

We have been keeping things a lot cleaner, vaccuuming more, and! I got the guy to come look at the shower. It's not perfect, but it works well enough to keep the faucet from leaking as much.

I have been making a lot more dinners, but we haven't been trying new meals that much...

I have been working a lot on my legacy, with the second generation started, and I've built a great house for the main family. I also have a favorite in one of the spare families, so I might go with her some as well. I've also decided to try to do NaNoWriMo, National Novel Writing Month, which asks you to write 50,000 words in the month of November. That'll be lots of fun, I'm sure. I've already started working on an outline. Who knows how far I will get! But it will replace goal number 55, write a short story and finish it.

We've bene going A LOT to synagogue with the high holidays, so we're going to consider this one in good progress at this point, even though we've been sick or overtired more frequently than we'd like.

I have read the first 4 books of the Anne of Green Gables series, and have been reading the comics on Lots of good stuff there.

I sent my mom a birthday present through, although it arrived a few days late. And Raif and I have talked about maybe going to Michigan at some point, which would facilitate me maybe meeting Kathy. And Mama D is coming to Chicago in November!!!

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Two Weeks Later  

Monday, September 22, 2008

Hi everyone,

Well, I've been making some progress, but not as much as maybe is good.

I seriously have been slacking off on the vitamins, but I need to go get more from the store and I just keep forgetting. We are going grocery shopping tonight, so that's one thing I will get. Also, I determined that I need to figure out when I can get my eyes tested. I thought about scheduling the test today, but I don't know when would work for me with all the Jewish holidays coming up. We've already postponed Raif's birthday celebration because of the holidays as well, so you can understand how annoying this is in a scheduling thing can be.

I ordered the Sunday paper today, to start on 10/05. It's a $1.25 per paper, and the goal is to try to get more than that in coupons out of each paper. If it doesn't work, than we're going to cancel the paper. We're also planning on getting a Costco membership, so that should help with money as well.

We tried to set up the VCR/DVD in the bedroom and it didn't work very well, so we need to get a remote for it. We keep saying that we'll get cable in there and use the remote that comes with that. I'm not sure if we'll do that, but if we don't there's a $9 universal remote at Best Buy that we can get. I also let the lady know about our leaking shower faucet, so hopefully they will take care of that at some point. I'm looking into the cloth bags thing, but I don't want to buy things that suck and will fall apart in a moment (i.e the $1 you buy at the grocery bags)

I decorated a cake for our anniversary and it turned out really well! I have to ask my husband what he wants for his cake, since that is coming up...if he wants it this week, I will probably make the cake tomorrow.

My husband and I discussed a schedule for me learning how to lead shacharit, the morning service for Shabbat, and so that should be interesting. It'll mostly start mid-October when things get a little bit less crazy.

We are hosting people for Rosh Hashanah, through the Rabbi's wife, since she does all the matching for people for holidays. We got invited by ourselves to both dinners, but we asked to be matched for first day lunch and then we're hosting for second day lunch. So that's one goal!

That's it for right now. Not so bad!

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Monday, September 8, 2008

So, the most progress I am making is on my Sims game to write a legacy. Basically, it is ten generations of the same Sim family, and I'd like to post it on the Sims 2 forum. So far it is going well, but my family is too big for the money I have. Oh well. I'm really enjoying myself with it, which is part of the point.

Other things I'm working on:

I have been exercising as often as possible, which hasn't totally been 3 times a week, but close. No vitamins. I apparently suck at vitamins. But I like salad, so that one has been good. I just have to remember to eat it, which is apparently the part that I am not as good at.

I found out how much it would cost to get the Sunday Chicago Tribune, but haven't done anything with that knowledge yet. I also need a coupon organizer if I'm going to do this well. I've also been paying bills when they come in, which is a good idea so that I don't forget about them!

My husband has been doing a better job of cleaning before bed than I have. But it still works out, so our apartment is a lot cleaner!

I am making dinner tonight! Yay Vegetarian Chili on a nice cool day!

The aforementioned legacy on the sims.

I talked to someone about maybe learning the services for Rosh Hashanah. If that becomes a reality, it will clearly become a 101 goal, because that will surely be a big project!

I've been reading the funny pages on the NY Times website every day at work. They are pretty funny most of the time. I also watched Jon Stewart last week during the RNC convention and he gave me a great laugh.

My husband and I talked about maybe taking a long trip when we are done with our jobs and before we start graduate school. It sounds like such a great idea to us!

I need to get on those cards if I am going to do them. Also, I need to order b-day presents for my husband and ask him what he wants to do for his birthday.

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My Completed List!  

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Challenge
1. Complete a list of 101 things
2. Barring major life changes, only change 20 of the tasks
3. Donate $5 to charity for every goal I don't complete
4. Inspire someone outside of MLW to do the challenge
5. Blog about each goal you reach.

6. Exercise 3 times a week
7. Find a Family Doctor and Dentist in Chicago, and again if we move
8. Take my vitamins! (0/1001)
9. Eat a salad once a week
10. Get my eyes tested and get new glasses

11. Put $5000 each year into each Roth IRA account
12. Invest the money we have in the IRA accounts
13. Invest the other money we have saved
14. Determine an outline of our financial plans. Write them down.
15. Make a will
16. Make a budget and stick to it
17. Budget money for a honeymoon
18. Use coupons to try to reduce grocery bills
19. Pay bills the day they come in the mail!
20. Find out our credit score.
21. Determine if we can save money on our cable bill
22. Donate change to charity

23. Get rid of the clutter around my desk.
24. Finish the website project; make sure the person after me makes it part of their job
25. Negotiate my schedule so that I can leave early on Fridays in the winter for Shabbat
26. Learn Quark for work

27. Tour schools in New York (Yeshivat Chovevei Torah, NYU, Columbia)
28. Investigate the possibility of Brandeis
29. Take the GMAT and/or GRE
30. Talk to Aliza about the different programs that are available
31. Apply to graduate school

32. Clean up the living room and dining room before bed
33. Clean out my closet and donate clothes
34. Frame the three pictures Raif wants framed and hang them
35. Frame and hang the bamboo picture
36. Select pictures from Israel to print and hang up; get frames for them and hang over the desk
37. Select 2 more pictures for the tops of the bookcase and get frames for them.
38. Put the butterfly wire art back up.
39. Work out a schedule for cleaning the bathroom
40. Vacuum at least once every two weeks (1/66)
41. Choose a few wedding pictures, frame and hang.
42. Get Raif to fix the holes made in the wall by our shelf falling :(
43. Set up the VCR/DVD player in the bedroom
44. Get the maintenance guy to fix the faucet in the shower
45. Burn my digital photos to disks
46. Use cloth grocery bags for shopping

47. Learn to make challah with the bread machine
48. Try two new recipes a month from our cookbooks or online (0/66)
49. Make peach chutney with Raif
50. Learn a good oatmeal chocolate chip cookie recipe
51. Make dinner for us once every two weeks (0/66)
52. Learn to make pecan pie
53. Create our recipe book

54. Make a photo album from first year of marriage
55. Write a short story and finish it!
56. Make the photo albums from Israel
57. Make our wedding photo albums
58. Make a challah cover for the holidays
59. Take an art class (painting or drawing)
60. Go on a photo session in the Loop
61. Do 10 Photoshop tutorials
62. Make our wedding scrapbook
63. Write a yearly recap at our anniversary (0/2)
64. Write a yearly recap on my birthday (0/2)
65. Design my own stationary and print it
66. Do a paint by number
67. Decorate cakes for our anniversary and birthdays (0/12)
68. Knit a scarf
69. Go on a photo shoot in the neighborhood
70. Write a legacy for the Sims 2
71. Take another Cake decorating class

72. Read Megillah for Purim (0/2)
73. Learn to lead Shacharit
74. Learn to lead Musaf
75. Read Torah once every three months (0/10)
76. Read an entire Torah portion
77. Attend Friday night services 3 times a month if we are in town
78. Attend Saturday morning services 2 times a month if we are in town

79. Read a joke a day to laugh
80. Color in a coloring book
81. Go to the Chicago History Museum
82. Go to the Spertus Jewish Museum
83. Go to the beach more than 5 times a summer
84. Go to a Cubs game
85. Read the whole Anne of Green Gables Series again

86. Go on a honeymoon with my husband
87. Visit Denver
88. Visit Toronto
89. Visit somewhere I haven’t been before
90. Travel to or plan to travel to Newfoundland

91. Send Rosh Hashanah Cards
92. Send Christmas cards
93. Meet more of my MLW friends!
94. Send birthday presents to my parents (0/4)
95. Invite people for meals on two major holidays

Just Because
96. Implement regular computer back ups
97. Build a basic set of jewelry for work and play
98. Get a mani/pedi once every three months
99. Do something nice and unexpected for someone (0/10)
100. Start the process to become a US Citizen
101. Make a new list in May 2011

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